School Mental Health Project

Resources available from the Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA

Hard Copy & Online Resources
Guidebooks, introductions to specific practices, resource aids, samplers, and much more. See our list of materials on line or contact us and we'll send it to you. Most of our materials can be downloaded in PDF format.

Quick Find Searches
Our growing list of Quick Find topics speed up access to a sample of basic information and resources on a range of major topics.

Quarterly Topical Newsletter
We call it Addressing Barriers to Learning and each issue includes a feature article related to the title. There are also sections on lessons learned and on specific practices for daily use in working with behavior, emotional, and learning problems in school settings. All this is capped off with info about resources from our Center and around the country. Issues are on our website; contact us if you want to be on the mailing list.

Electronic Monthly News Update
Our ENEWS focuses on emerging issues, up-to-date news, information about recent reports, publications, resources, funding opportunities, and much more.

Other Website Features
Access our resources materials, technical assistance, consultation cadre, news updates, upcoming events, networking, interaction around issues, continuing education units, center hosted sites, MH Practitioners Listserv, links to related sites, and much more.

Consultation Cadre
Besides the technical assistance available from our staff, see the growing list of professionals from around the country who have indicated a willingness to share their expertise without fees. They provide a large network of colleagues with specialized information who can help. New consultation cadre members are always welcome; contact us for information how to sign up.

Policy Leadership Cadre For Mental Health In Schools
This group's purpose is to expand, link, and build the capacity of the pool of persons who can provide policy leadership for MH in schools at national, state, regional, and local levels. Such leadership includes a policy focus on promoting social-emotional development and preventing psychosocial and mental health problems, as well as policies related to treatment of mental illness. Three initial tasks have been identified and work will begin this summer. For information about the group and the tasks, see or contact the Center.

Coalition for Cohesive Policy in Addressing Barriers to Development & Learning
Our Center is facilitating the work of this broad-based, policy-oriented coalition of organizations. The coalition consists of those who have a stake in addressing barriers to development, learning, and teaching, as well as concern for promoting healthy development. The aim is to stimulate strategic efforts to foster policy integration and close policy gaps as ways to deal with the marginalization and fragmentation that dominates a great deal of prevailing practice.

Pioneering Initiatives to Reform Education Support Programs
We work with schools, districts, and communities around the country to assist pioneering efforts to reform and restructure education support programs. Currently, we are establishing a network to foster ways for such initiatives to work more closely together. The focus will be on conveying lessons learned, sharing data on progress, and providing technical assistance, training, and mutual support. A listserv already has been established as one direct linking mechanism. The work of various initiatives are available on our website; other sharing strategies are being explored. A report on current initiatives is available from the Center.

Regional Workshops, Institutes, & On-site Continuing Education
Strategic sessions are held across the country. These are designed to foster specific facets of ongoing initiatives, enhance local and regional networking, and promote up-to-date information about promising approaches to system change, program development, practical techniques, training, research, and policy.

Special Reports & Issue Briefs
Each year, we develop special reports designed to clarify the changing status of the field and to highlight new directions for policy and practice. Many of these are also published in journals. All are available from our Center or can be accessed through our website.

All our work is designed to improve outcomes for young people. In pursuing our activities, we strive to work collaboratively and to foster collaboration.
Center Staff:
Howard Adelman, Co-Director
Linda Taylor, Co-Director
Perry Nelson, Coordinator
. . . and a host of graduate and undergraduate students

Our award winning web site offers information on our clearinghouse, introductory packets, consultation cadre, newsletter, links to other internet sites, electronic networking, and much, much more. To learn, more click on one of the links below.

Home Page
Breif Overview of MH Center
Table of Contents
Search Our Site
Center Staff
Guestbook/Mailing List

School Mental Health Project-UCLA
Center for Mental Health in Schools
WebMaster: Perry Nelson (