Coalition for Cohesive Policy in Addressing Barriers to Development & Learning
PURPOSE: This is a broad-based, policy-oriented coalition of organizations who have a stake in addressing barriers to development, learning, and teaching, as well as concern for promoting healthy development. The Coalition's aim is to stimulate strategic efforts to foster policy integration and close policy gaps as ways to deal with the marginalization and fragmentation that dominates a great deal of prevailing practice.
Representatives of any organization whose work in some way includes a focus on addressing barriers and promoting healthy development.
At the 1997 national summit on addressing barriers to student learning (focused on Closing Gaps in School/Community Policy and Practice), fundamental concerns were underscored regarding the critical need to fill policy gaps and enhance policy cohesion. This led to a proposal for creation of a policy-oriented coalition of organizations who have a stake in addressing barriers to development, learning, and teaching. The notion was that such a coalition could generate mechanisms to prepare and implement a strategic plan to foster policy integration and close policy gaps. To help establish the coalition, the School Mental Health Project/Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA offered to play a catalytic role and provide technical support (e.g., bringing leaders together, facilitating creation of a steering group, providing support for planning). EXAMPLES OF CENTER DOCUMENTS FOCUSING ON COHESIVE POLICY
- Policy Note: An Open Letter to Congress: Reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to Better Address Barriers to Learning and Teaching
- Congressional Education Committee Member's School Improvement Report Moves Policy Debate from a Two- to a Three-Component Blueprint (Summer, 2010 Newsletter)
- Synthesis and Analysis of Recommendations to Congress for ESEA reauthorization from the Perspective of Addressing Barriers to Learning & Teaching
- Turning Around, Transforming, and Continuously Improving Schools: Federal Proposals are Still Based on a Two- Rather than a Three- Component Blueprint
- Collaborating for a Move from the Two- to a Three-Component Blueprint Framework for School Improvement and the Reauthorization of ESEA
- For Consideration in Reauthorizing the No Child Left Behind Act . . . Promoting a Systematic Focus on Learning Supports to Address Barriers to Learning and Teaching
- Legislation in Need of Improvement: Reauthorizing the No Child Left Behind Act to Better Address Barriers to Learning
- Policies and Practices for Addressing Barriers to learning: Current Status and New Directions
- First Steps at State Ed Agencies and School Dists in Developing a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports as an Essential Component for School Improvement & Student Success
- Leadership for a Learning Support System in State Departments of Education: Example Job Descriptions
- Policy Leadership Cadre for Mental Health in Schools
- National Initiatitve: New Directions for Student Support
- Scholastic and AASA Collaboration
- Call To Action & Outreach Campaign / Steps you can Take
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