TOPIC: Classroom-based Learning Supports/Classroom Focused Enabling
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Center Developed Resources and Tools
Chapter in Transforming Student and Learning Supports: Developing a Unified, Comprehensive, and Equitable System
Self-study Survey
Information Resource
Continuing Education Module
Articles, Books, and Policy Reports
Newsletter Articles
Policy Notes
Quick Training Aid
Resource Aid Packets
Technical Assistance Sampler
Practice Notes
Tools for Practice
Guidance Notes
Relevant Publications on the Internet
Actualizing characteristics of successful schools for young adolescents through co-teaching
A Guide to Schoolwide Planning for Paraeducator Supports
Academic Achievement in the High School Years: The Changing Role of School Engagement
Building and Sustaining a Collaborative Educational Team: Teachers and Paraprofessionals
The Cascading Effects of Reducing Student Stress: Cooperative Learning as a Means to Reduce
Emotional Problems and Promote Academic Engagement
Classroom Paraprofessional and Teachers Serving Students with Disruptive Behaviors: A Study of Professional Relationships
Classroom support for teachers
Conceptualizing the Problems and Possibilities of Interprofessional Collaboration in Schools
(2018). S. Stone & J. Charles. Children & Schools, 40, 185–192.
Considering the Possible Relationship between Personalized Learning and Service Learning: A Historical and Pragmatic Perspective
Differentiated staffing in the classroom
Educational Commission of the States
Effective Teacher Professional Development
The Effectiveness of the Project-Based Learning Approach as a Way to Engage Students in Learning
Equity, Connection, and Engagement in the School Context to Promote Positive Youth Development
Improving Students' Relationships with Teachers to Provide Essential Supports for Learning
Inquiry vs direct instruction
Making the Shift to a Co-Teaching Model of Instruction: Considering Relational Trust as a Precursor to Collaboration
Maximize Paraprofessional Services
A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Person-Environment Fit: Relevance, Measurement, and Future Directions
National Resource Center for Paraeducators
One Step at a Time: A Traditional School’s Journey Into Personalized Learning
Paraeducator Resource and Learning Center
Project-based learning for all? An examination of the approach for students with disabilities
Project based learning: a literature review
Project based learning: research review
Promoting Student Well-Being Through Classroom Interventions
- The Protective Role of Teacher-Student Relationships Against Peer Victimization and Psychosocial Distress
Responsive Classrooms: A Practical Approach for Teaching Children to Care
School Turnaround Learning Community
Students' Perceptions of Teachers: Implications for Classroom Practices for Supporting Students' Success
Supporting primary school students' mental health needs: Teachers' perceptions of roles, barriers, and abilities
Supporting students with mental health challenges in the classroom
A Systematic Review of Research on Personalized Learning: Personalized by Whom, to What, How, and for What Purpose(s)?
- Team/Collaborative Teaching
"Teachers Often See the Red Flags First": Perceptions of School Staff Regarding Their Roles in Supporting Students with Mental Health Concerns
Teachers' role in establishing a safe, supportive learning environment
Team Teaching: Teaming Teachers Offer Tips
Title 1 Non-Regulatory Guidance for Paraprofessionals
Related Agencies and Websites
For updated references to this topic, go to Google Scholar
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