Over the long run, the lessons are clear:
- New directions are undertaken because pioneers and trailblazers lead the way
- Wherever the move toward new directions is initiated, attention must turn as soon as feasible to enlisting a broad-based policy commitment
- Policy supporting new directions minimally must ensure
- adoption of a unifying and comprehensive intervention framework
- redesign of operational infrastructure (including job roles and functions) to develop and weave together
school and community resources into a unified system and develop the system into
a comprehensive approach over time
- capacity building for the type of systemic changes required for effective implementation, replication, and going-to-scale.
To do less is to ensure that initial efforts to pursue fundamental new
directions for student and learning supports are not sustained.
Based on all that has been learned so far, there are major implications for the impending
reauthorization of the federal Elementary and secondary Education Act (No Child Left Behind Act).