Our ENEWS is another forum to link with those who are concerned with enhancing policies, programs, and practices related to addressing barriers to student learning and promoting mental health in schools. It augments the other ways our Center shares information and facilitates interchange and networking.
post messages to ENEWS, email them to smhp@ucla.edu.
To subscribe to ENEWS, go to: http://lists.ucla.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mentalhealth-l and follow the directions to sign up. Alternatively, you can send an email request to: smhp@ucla.edu asking to be added to the ENEWS listserv. |
ENEWS can now be downloaded
in PDF form.
You will need
Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher. Click here to download.
ENEWS contains:
Emerging Issue, News from Around the
Country, News from our Center,
News from our Sister Center, Upcoming
Conferences, Helpful Resources,
Job Opportunities, On-Line Resources.
Volume 2, #12 - September 1998
Emerging Issue: USDOE Safe & Drug Free Schools Programs |
Volume 2, #11 - August 1998
Emerging Issue:Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Ecucation Act (ESEA) |
Volume 2, #10 - July 1998
Emerging Issue:Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Services |
Volume 2, #9 - June 1998
Emerging Issue: Responding to Recent Violence at Schools |
Volume 2, #8 - May 1998
Emerging Issue: Is the Increased Emphasis on Achievement Testing Causing More Cheating? |
Volume 2, #7 - April 1998
Emerging Issue: Social Promotion: What Should be the Guidelines? |
Volume 2, #6 - March 1998
Emerging Issue: Calls for Managed Care Reforms |
Volume 2, #5 - February 1998
Emerging Issue: Early-age Screening Programs |
Volume 2, #4 - January 1998
Emerging Issue: The Impact of Changes in Federal Law on Students |
Volume 2, #3 - December 1997
Emerging Issue: Controversies Re. School Districts Contracting Out Services |
Volume 2, #2 - November 1997
Emerging Issue: Which Laws should families use to ensure youngsters' rights are protected and that they receive special assistance? |
Volume 2, #1 - October 1997
Emerging Issue: Common Purpose: Strengthening Families and Neighborhoods to Rebuild America-- a new book by Lisbeth Schorr. |
To send us feedback, just click here. We appreciate your responses, and want you to know that they are valued. |