School Mental Health Project

Are Conflicts on School Campuses Inevitable?

Recent events have had many folks reflecting on and arguing about conflicts on campuses.

In a chapter entitled: School Conflicts: Causes and Management Strategies in Classroom Relationships, Sabina Valente, Abílio Afonso Lourenço and Zsolt Németh state:

Ending school conflict is impossible, since they are intrinsic to the human being, being an integral part of their development and the interpersonal relationships they experience daily. Learning to live with school conflict requires creating attitudes of openness, interest in differences, and respect for diversity, teaching how to recognize injustice, taking measures to overcome it, resolving differences constructively, and moving from conflict situations to reconciliations.

What’s your view? And what do you recommend schools do about such conflicts.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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For a range of resources related to this matter,
see: National Initiative for Transforming Student and Learning Supports in 2016

In addition, see the list of Emerging Issues identified over the years by the Center and used as a stimulus for discussion on our Net Exchange -

Previously highlighted hot issues