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UCLA School Mental Health Project
Center for Mental Health in Schools
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Continuing Education: Unit II

Addressing Barriers to Learning
New Directions for Mental Health in Schools

Networks of Care for a Wide Range of Problems


Sections - Click below
Section A.
Screening and Assessment
Section B.
Problem Responce and Prevention
Section C.
Consent, Due Process, and Confidentiality
Networks of Care
Follow-Up Reading

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Contents of All Three Units

Mental health services and instruction that fosters positive social and emotional development represent major facets of what must done to address barriers to student learning. Increasingly, it is evident that school nurses can play an important role in these arenas. In doing so, they can demonstrate their ability to offer a wider range of services and can help ensure that students are approached in a holistic way.

Moreover, by working with colleagues both within the school and throughout the surrounding community, school nurses can help enhance systems for referral, triage, and management of care and expand the available network of care. At the same time, they can help schools move toward more comprehensive, integrated approaches that can prevent as well as respond to problems. In the process, school nurses can take their place as leaders for the type of systemic reforms that are essential in providing a safety net of care for generations to come.