This survey is one of a set that a school's stakeholders use to map and analyze programs. Team members separately in filling out items, but the real payoff comes from discussing items. In doing so, the group may decide that an existing activity is not a high priority and that the resources should be redeployed to establish a more important program or to embellish an existing effort so that it is more effective. In making such decisions, priorities and timelines are established. The instrument also can be used as a form of program quality review. (The entire set is available from our clearinghouse.)
Yes | Yes, but more of this is needed | No | If no, is this something you want? |
A. Which of the following are available to address specific learning and support needs of the adults in the home? | ||||
1. Does the site offer adult classes focused on a. English as a Second Language (ESL)? b. citizenship? c. basic literacy skills? d. GED preparation? e. job preparation? f. citizenship preparation? g. other? (specify) ________________ |
2. Are there groups for a. mutual support? b. discussion? |
3. Are adults in the home offered assistance in accessing outside help for personal needs? | ||||
4. Other? (specify) _______________ |
B.Which of the following are available to help
those in the home meet their basic obligations to the student? | ||||
1. Is help provided for addressing special family need for a. food? b. clothing? c. shelter? d. health and safety? e. school supplies? |
2. Are education programs offered on a. childbearing/parenting? b. creating a supportive home environment for students? c. reducing factors interfering with student learning and performance? |
3. Are guidelines provided for helping a student deal with homework? |
4. Other? (specify)________________ |
C. Which of the following are in use to improve communication about matters essential to the student and family? | ||||
1. Are there periodic general announcements and meeting such as a. advertising for incoming students? b. orientation for incoming students and families? c. bulletins/newsletters? d. back to school night/open house? e. parent teacher conferences? |
2. Is there a system to inform the home on a regular basis a. about general school matters? b. about opportunities for home involvement? |
3. To enhance home involvement in the student's program and progress, are interactive communications used, such as a. sending notes home regularly? b. a computerized phone line? c. frequent in-person conferences with the family |
4. Other? (specify) ________________ | ||||
D. Which of the following are used to enhance the home-school
connection and sense of community? | ||||
1. Does the school offer orientations and open houses? |
2. Does the school have special receptions for new families? |
3. Does the school regularly showcase students to the community
through a. student performances? b. award ceremonies? |
4. Does the school offer the community a. cultural and sports events? b. topical workshops and discussion groups? c. health fairs? d. family preservation fairs? e. work fairs? f. newsletters? g. community bulletin boards? h. community festivals and celebrations? |
5. Is there outreach to hard to involve families such as a. making home visits? b. offering support networks? |
6. other? (specify) _________________ | ||||
E. Which of the following are used to enhance family participation in decision making essential to the student? | ||||
1. Families are invited to participate through personal a. letters b. phone calls |
2. Families are informed about schooling choices through a. letters b. phone calls c. conferences |
3. Families are taught skills to participate effectively in decision making. | ||||
4. Staff are specially trained to facilitate family participating in decision making meetings | ||||
5. other? (specify)________________ | ||||
F. Which of the following are used to enhance home support of student's learning and development? | ||||
1. Are families instructed on how to provide opportunities for students to apply what they are learning? |
2. Are families instructed on how to use enrichment opportunities to enhance youngsters' social and personal and academic skills and higher order functioning? | ||||
3. other? (specify)__________________ |
G. Which of the following are used to mobilize problem solving at home related to student needs? |
1. Is instruction provided to enhance family problem solving skills (including increased awareness of
resources for assistance)? |
2. Is good problem solving modeled at conferences with the family? | ||||
H. Which of the following are those in the home recruited/trained to help meet school/community needs? | ||||
1. Improving schooling for students by assisting a. administrators b. teachers c. other staff d. with lessons or tutoring e. on class trips f. in the cafeteria g. in the library h. in computer labs i. with homework helplines j. in the front office to welcome visitors, new enrollees/families k. with phoning home regarding absences l. outreach to the home |
2. Improving school operations by assisting with a. school and community up-keep and beautification b. improving school-community relations c. fund raising d. PTA e. enhancing public support by increasing political awareness f. school governance g. advocacy for school needs h. advisory councils i. program planning |
3. establishing home-community networks to benefit the community |
4. other? (specify)__________________ |
I. What programs are used to meet the educational needs of personnel related to this programmatic area? | ||||
1. Is there ongoing training for team members concerned with the area of Home Involvement in Schooling? | ||||
2. Is there ongoing training for staff of specific services/programs? |
3. Other? (specify) _________________ |
J. Which of the following topics are covered in education stakeholders? 1. designing an inclusionary "Parent Center" |
2. overcoming barriers to home involvement | ||||
3. developing group-led mutual support groups | ||||
4. available curriculum for parent education | ||||
5. teaching parents to be mentors and leaders at the school |
6. other? (specify) ______________ | ||||
K. Please indicate any other ways that are used to enhance home involvement in schooling. | ||||
L. Please indicate any other things you want the school to do to enhance home involvement in schooling.