The following survey is one of a set designed as self-study instruments related to a school's programmatic areas for addressing barriers to learning. School stakeholders use such surveys to map and analyze the current status of their programs. The survey presented below looks at classroom efforts to enable learning (see the lead article in this newsletter).
This type of self-study is best done by teams. For example, a group of teachers could use the items to.discuss how the school currently supports their efforts, how effective the processes are, and what's not being done. Members of the team initially might work separately in filling out the items, but the real payoff comes from discussing them as a group. The instrument also can be used as a form of program quality review. (The entire set of surveys is available from our center's clearinghouse.)
In analyzing, the status of the school's efforts, the group may decide that some existing activity is not a high priority and that the resources should be redeployed to help establish more important programs. Other activity may be seen as needing to be embellished so that it is effective. Finally, decisions may be made regarding new desired activities, and since not everything can be added at once, priorities and timelines can be established. .
Yes | Yes, but more of this is needed | No | If no, is this something you want? |
A. What programs for personalized professional development are
currently at the site? 1. Are teachers clustered for support and staff development? |
2. Are models used to provide demonstrations? | ||||
3. Are workshops and readings offered regularly? | ||||
4. Is consultation available from those with special expertise such as a. members of the Student Success Team? b. resource specialists and/or special education teachers? c. members of special committees? d. bilingual and/or other coordinators? e. counselors? f. other? (specify) _______________________________ |
5. Is there a formal mentoring program? |
6. Is there staff social support? |
7. Is there formal conflict mediation/resolution for staff? |
8. Is there assistance in learning to use advanced technology? |
9. other (specify) _______________________________ |
B. What supports are available in the classroom to help students identified as having problems? 1. Are "personnel" added to the class (or before/after school)? If yes, what types of personnel are brought in: a. aides (e.g. paraeducators; other paid assistants)? b. older students? c. other students in the class? d. volunteers?
e. parents?
2. Are materials and activities upgraded to a. ensure there are enough basic supplies in the classroom? b. increase the range of high-motivation activities (keyed to the interests of students in need of special attention)? c. include advanced technology? d. other? (specify) ______________________________ |
C. What is done to assist a teacher who has difficulty with limited English speaking students? 1. Is the student reassigned? |
2. Does the teacher receive professional development related to working with limited English speaking students? |
3. Does the bilingual coordinator offer consultation? |
4. Is a bilingual aide assigned to the class? |
5. Are volunteers brought in to help (e.g., parents, peers)? |
6. other? (specify) _____________________________ |
D. What types of technology are available to the teachers? 1. Are there computers in the classroom? |
2. Is there a computer lab? |
3. Is computer assisted instruction offered? |
4. Are there computer literacy programs? |
5. Are computer programs used to address ESL needs? |
6. Does the classroom have video recording capability? |
7. Is instructional TV used in the classroom? a. videotapes? b. PBS? |
8. Is there a multimedia lab? |
9. other? (specify)_______________________________ |
E. What curricular enrichment and adjunct programs do teachers use? 1. Are library activities used regularly? |
2. Is music/art used regularly? |
3. Is health education a regular part of the curriculum? |
4. Are student performances regular events? |
5. Are there several field trips a year? |
6. Are there student council and other leadership opportunities? |
7. Are there school environment projects such as a. mural painting? b. horticulture/gardening? c. school clean-up and beautification? d. other? (specify)______________________________ |
8. Are there special school-wide events such as a. clubs and similar organized activities? b. publication of a student newspaper? c. sales events (candy, t shirts)? d. poster contests? e. essay contests? f. a book fair? g. pep rallies/contests? h. attendance competitions? i. attendance awards/assemblies? j. other? (specify) ____________________________ |
9. Are guest contributors used (e.g., guest speakers/performers)? |
10. Other? (specify)_____________________________ |
F. What programs for temporary out of class help are currently at the site? 1. Is there a family center providing student and family assistance? |
2. Are there designated problem remediation specialists? |
3. Is there a "time out" room? |
4. other? (specify) _____________________________ |
G What programs are used to train paraeducators, volunteers, and other "assistants" who come into the classrooms to work with students who need help? H. Which of the following can teachers request as special interventions? |
1. family problem solving conferences |
2. exchange of students as an opportunity for improving the match and for a fresh start |
3. referral for specific services |
4. other (specify) _____________________________ |
I. Is there ongoing training for team members concerned with the area of Classroom-Focused Enabling? |
J. Please indicate any other ways that are used at the school to assist a teacher's efforts to address barriers to students' learning. | ||||
K. Please indicate other things you want the school to do to assist a teacher's efforts to
address barriers to students' learning. |