From Addressing Barriers to Learning,
Vol. 2 (2), Spring, 1997

Lessons Learned

Curriculum Content for Enhancing
Social and Emotional Functioning

With the burgeoning of programs focused on preventing and correcting social and emotional problems, it helps to have a synthesis of fundamental areas of competence. W.T. Grant Foundation (in the 1980s) funded a five year project that brought together a consortium of professionals to review the best programs and create such a synthesis.* The following is their list of core social and emotional competence:




The W. T. Grant consortium list is designed with prevention in mind. It can be compared and contrasted with frameworks suggested for training children manifesting behavior problems. Below is the set of skills prescribed by M.L. Bloomquist (1996) in Skills training for children with behavioral disorders. After stressing the importance of (a) increased parental involvement, (b) greater use of positive reinforcement, and (c) enhanced positive family interaction skills, Bloomquist details the following as areas parents should focus on with their children.

With increasing interest in facilitating social and emotional development has come new opportunities for collaboration. A prominent example is the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) established by the Yale Child Study Center in 1994. CASEL's mission is to promote social and emotional learning as an integral part of education in schools around the world. Those interested in this work can contact Roger Weissberg, Executive Director, Dept. of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1007 W. Harrison St., Chicago, IL 60607-7137. Ph. (312) 413-1008.

*W.T. Grant Consortium on the School-Based Promotion of Social Competence (1992). Drug and alcohol prevention curriculum. In J.D. Hawkins, et al. (Eds), Communities that care. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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