School Mental Health Project

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School-based Collaborative Teams

A Guide to Promising Practices in Educational Partnerships (archived)
This website is sponsored by the Office of Research and Educational Improvement (OREI) and compiled by the Southwest Regional Laboratory (SWRL) and the Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL). The guide includes examples of two types of practices: practices that support partnership building, and practices that represent partnership activities. The examples cover a range of topics such as: educational and community needs assessments; approaches to project staffing; approaches to recruiting partners and volunteers; staff development for social service agency, school, and business personnel; student support services; activities involved in school-to-work transition programs, including job skills workshops, job shadowing, and internships; and community involvement, including parent education and "town hall" meetings.

Center for Community Partnerships
Contact: Ira Harkavy, Penn Program for Public Service, University of Pennsylvania, 133 South 36th St., Suite 519, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL)
IEL is a nonprofit organization dedicated to collaborative problem-solving strategies in education and among education, human services, and other sectors. The Institute's programs focus on leadership development, cross-sector alliances, demographic analyses, business-education partnerships, school restructuring, and programs concerning at-risk youth.
Contact: Jacqueline P. Danzberger, Director of Governance Programs, 1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 310, Washington, DC 20036, Phone: (202) 822-8405

Child and Family Policy Center
is a state-based, policy-research implementation organization. The Center's mission is to better link research with public policy on issues vital to children and families, thus strengthening families and providing full development opportunities for children.
Contact:Charles Bruner, Executive Director, 218 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1021, Fleming Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, Phone: (515) 280-9027, Fax: 515-244-8997, E-mail:

The Federation for Community Schools
The Federation for Community Schools is working to bring together individuals and organizations who support community schools throughout Illinois. Through collaboration, we can promote policies that support quality full service community schools, serve as a clearinghouse of community school best practices and facilitate the professional networking of community school practitioners. Community schools have clearly demonstrated that by breaking down barriers between schools and their community residents, great things can happen for students, parents and the entire community. By speaking with one voice and coming together as one, the Federation and its members will spread the great outcomes of community schools throughout Illinois.
Contact: 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1741,Chicago, IL 60606, Phone: 312-629-4990 | Fax: 312-629-4999

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School Mental Health Project-UCLA

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