Upcoming/Archived Webcasts of Interest

If your organization is planning a webcast related to mental health in schools, please let us know so we can include it here

National Center for Homeless Education
9/25 Understanding the rights of students experiencing homelessness

Series on Desegregation & Integration Pathways to Change: Initiatives, Measurements, and Reflection

9/12 Reexamining the Landscape
9/19 Measuring Segregation in Neighborhoods, Districts, and Schools (part one)
9/24 Measuring Segregation in Neighborhoods, Districts, and Schools (part two)
10/1 Navigating the Landscape: Pathways to Change
10/2 Getting Connected: From Silos to Synergy

  • For webinars related to social emotional learning (SEL), click here

    AASA's Leadership Network cohorts and thought partners are providing FREE webinars where you'll gain advice and strategies on the most critical issues leaders are facing https://www.aasa.org/AASA-LeadershipNetwork-Webinars.aspx

  • the National Child Traumatic Stress Network address questions mental health providers are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic -- see recorded webinars and related resources at https://www.nctsn.org/

  • Also see our Quick Find with links to archived Webinars About Addressing Barriers to Learning and Teaching http://www.schoolmentalhealth.org/Connect/Webinars/

  • National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) offers its own webinars and lists others at http://www.schoolmentalhealth.org/Connect/Webinars/ 
  • 9/10 Emerging technologies in mental health care https://mhttcnetwork.org/event/mental-health-and-virtual-reality-the-role-of-emerging-technologies-in-transforming-behavioral-and-mental-healthcare/

    9/11 Students speak: schools thrive https://www.edweek.org/events/webinar/students-speak-schools-thrive-the-impact-of-student-voice-data-on-achievement

    9/12 Diversity of multilingual communities https://www.wested.org/wested_event/unpacking-the-diversity-of-multilingual-learners-and-communities/

    9/12 Choosing joy and a positive culture https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LSrD5NsoQge7fpAS9Nlkxg#/registration

    9/12 How can we disagree better? https://www.edweek.org/events/live-online-discussion/a-seat-at-the-table-how-can-we-disagree-better-a-roadmap-for-educators

    9/12 Evaluation and eligibility: special education https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YtGso0MzSViZ7aRnnVplOA#/registration

    9/17 Digital health and safety https://members.sswaa.org/ap/Events/Register/3BFnX2BSYCQCg

    9/19 Teaching digital and media literacy https://www.edweek.org/events/k-12-essentials-forum/how-to-teach-digital-amp-media-literacy-in-the-age-of-ai

    9/19 Teacher compensation reforms https://www.wested.org/wested_event/spotlight-on-teacher-compensation-reforms/

    9/19 The IEP: special education series https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4OQl47OcQ7KOFWn3rXGeCQ#/registration

    9/19 Empowering grassroots mentoring https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/events/building-your-program-empowering-grassroots-mentoring

    9/25 Compassion fatigue and burnout https://mhttcnetwork.org/event/compassion-fatigue-and-burnout-4/

    9/25 The critical role of interpreters in special education meetings https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZP9RNVD

    9/25 Using AI tools to address equity https://members.sswaa.org/ap/Events/Register/OOFBA1xUaCqCD

    9/25 Keeping talented teachers https://www.edweek.org/events/webinar/keep-talented-teachers-and-improve-student-outcomes

    9/26 Afterschool programs to reduce absenteeism https://ed-gov.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_13xzkEc0Rvy2XeGzctb-PQ#/registration

    9/26 Organizational culture https://mhttcnetwork.org/event/session-1-organizational-commitment-to-the-culture-of-care-copy-copy/

    9/26 Mental health and special education https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gAwMVwqaS5qkpY82T7GgKA#/registration

    10/1 Preventing bullying https://air-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aYF01zXRTpKcnF1TUm9bdg#/registration

    10/16 Cooperative activities https://members.schoolcounselor.org/event-details?id=01bb2849-3466-ef11-a4e6-000d3a0dda58%C2%A0&reload=timezone

    10/17 Promoting the wellbeing of students https://ed-gov.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_doNZ3BnIScaicbSG1iDgMw#/registration

    10/17 Wellness and resilience https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/events/national-mentoring-summit-insights-continued-wellness-resilience

    10/23 Addressing challenging behaviors https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MeHz3ogvSHaWtzs90SdsRg#/registration

    10/24 Effective communication with the IEP team https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rVipaxCyRQ2zS9subWF7IQ#/registration

    11/14 Balancing academics, extracurriculars and college application stress https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bxXYW-qwTmq_NydsrpTjVA#/registration


    Ensuring All Students Succeed

    (1) A transformation blueprint for student/learning supports

    30 minute introductory webinar from the

    Center for MH in Schools & Student/Learning Supports

    (2) The Imperative for a Learning Supports Framework

    Webinar Presentation now on YOUTUBE/span>

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYDg4alT1Dk ,

    Rhonda Neal Waltman, EdD, is the senior director of Consultancy Services—Learning Supports for Scholastic, Inc. She has more than 30 years of experience in education reform using a learning supports model and has served as a teacher, counselor, principal, and assistant superintendent. Dr. Waltman first joined Scholastic as a consultant for Learning Supports and led the action research partnership. 

     As the Carnegie Council Task Force on Education of Young Adolescents (1989) stressed, “While school systems are not responsible for meeting every need of their students, when the need directly affects learning, the school must meet the challenge.”

    For all students to have the opportunity to succeed, what has to be done in schools to reduce student barriers to learning and to reengage them in the learning process? The Learning Supports Framework demonstrates how the provision of a wide range of learning supports, coupled with effective instruction, is the recipe for ensuring all students succeed.

    Informed by the research of Drs. Howard Adelman and Linda Taylor from the UCLA Center for Mental Health in Schools, this webcast will feature Scholastic Education’s Learning Supports staff who will share the school improvement model that has significant results in schools and districts across the nation.

    This Solutions to the Dropout Crisis webcast looks at

    • Why a system of learning supports is an imperative for advancing school improvement and reengaging students.
    • What are learning supports and how are they typically deployed in school?
    • How can learning supports be delivered in an organized comprehensive manner?
    • The importance of building a school improvement plan that includes learning supports, along with instruction and management.
    • Key results that indicate a systems approach can directly impact positive outcomes for students.


    PreventConnect webinar series explores links among various forms of violence, multi-sector prevention efforts, and social inclusion strategies.


    How Learning Happens (Edutopia’s updated series of videos explores how educators can guide allstudents, regardless of their developmental starting points, to become productive and engaged learners.https://www.edutopia.org/how-learning-happens

    Webinar recording: Unpacking the Impacts of Structural Racism on Youth https://preventioninstitute.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5f4bf5a36bd9f72789255d49a&id=17f472fea9&e=b6757fd9d7


    American School Counselor Association https://www.schoolcounselor.org/

    National Association of Secondary School Principals https://www.nassp.org/professional-learning/online-professional-development/webinars/

    WestEd https://www.wested.org/wested_event

    National Association of Elementary School Principals https://www.naesp.org/career/webinars