
SMHP Quick Find

TOPIC: Expanded Learning Opportunities -- After-School & Summer Programs, the Arts, Sports (and their evaluation)

The following represents a sample of information to get you started and is not meant to be exhaustive.
Also, be aware that usually there are other items on the Quick Find menu that are related to a topic such as this one and may have additional relevant links to resources of interest.
(Note: Clicking on the following links causes a new window to be opened. To return to this window, close the newly opened one.)

Center Developed Documents, Resources and Tools

Other Relevant Documents, Resources, and Tools on the Internet

Related Agencies and Websites

For updated references to this topic, go to Google Scholar

We hope these resources met your needs. If not, feel free to contact us for further assistance. For additional resources related to this topic, use our search page to find  organizations, websites and documents.  You may also go to our technical assistance page or contact ltaylor@ucla.edu for more specific technical assistance requests.

If our website has been helpful, we are pleased and encourage you to use our site or contact our Center in the future.