TOPIC: Youth Development
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Other Relevant Documents, Resources, and Tools on the Internet
Supporting Youth
- Assessing the meaningful inclusion of youth voice in policy and practice: State of the science
- Building Effective Partnerships With Youth: How Organizations Can Effectively Involve Youth
- Building stronger relationships between schools and youth development
- Career and Technical Education's Unequal Dividends for High School Students: The Stratification of a New Generation
- Community Programs to Promote Youth Development
- Critical Civic Motivation of Marginalized Youth: An Expectancy-Value Approach
- Cultivating child and youth decision-making
- Development of a Youth Civic Engagement Program: Process and Pilot Testing with a Youth-Partnered Research Team
- Disconnected Youth: Federal Action Could Address Some of the Challenges Faced by Local Programs That Reconnect Youth to Education and Employment
- District's work based learning seeks community partners
- Empowering Marginalized Youth: A Self-Transformative Intervention for Promoting Positive Youth Development
- Engaging older youth: program and city-level strategies to support sustained participation in out of school time
- Engaging Students as Leaders to Reimagine School Safety
- Engaging Youth in Partnership: A Resource Document for Youth Serving Agencies and Programs
- Engaging Youth in Partnership: A Resource Document for Youth Serving Agencies and Programs
- Engaging youth for positive change
- How Youth Surveys Guide Collective Community Investment and Planning: Benefits of Youth Data
- Personalized Learning and Service Learning
- Equity, Connection, and Engagement in the School Context to Promote Positive Youth Development
- Evaluating youth development programs: Progress and promise
- Evidence based youth programs
- Exploration and Risk-Taking: Hallmarks of Adolescence That Increase Well-Being
- Fact sheets on mentoring and youth development
- Fight Crime: Invest in Kids
- Finding Out What Matters for Youth: Testing Key Links in a Community Action Framework for Youth Development (2002) M. Bambone, et al. Youth Development Strategies, Inc. and the Institute for Research and Reform in Education.
- Having Students Learn by Teaching
- High School Students as Researchers about Their School: Exploring Its Potential for Choices and Skills
- How to Promote Positive Development and Decrease Risk in Online Spaces For Early Adolescents
- An Imperative to Include Children’s Voices in Policy Development: Part of the Solution to Understanding the Impact of Policy on Children’s Mental Health
- Innovations 4 youth
- Integrating Positive Youth Development and Racial Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Approaches Across the Child Welfare and Justice Systems
- In The Mix: For Teens and By Teens
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Listen to them! The challenge of capturing the true voice of young people within early intervention and prevention models: A youth work perspective
- Positive Youth Development Empowers Young Workers
- Positive Youth Development Among Diverse Racial–Ethnic Children: Quality Afterschool Contexts as Developmental Assets
Positive Youth Development: Configurations of Thriving
- Positive family relationships in a digital age: Hearing the voice of young people
- Preparing Youth to Thrive
- Promoting Positive Adolescent Health Behaviors and Outcomes: Thriving in the 21st Century
- Promoting Positive Youth Development
- Promoting Positive Youth Development Through School-Based Social and Emotional Learning Interventions: A Meta-Analysis of Follow-Up Effects
- Promoting Positive Youth Development Through Teenagers-as-Teachers Programs
- Rethinking child and youth activism in challenging times
- Student Change Agent Model
- Student members on school boards: a toolkit
- Use, Capture, and Value of Student Voice in Schools
- A scoping review of youth advisory structures in the United States: Applications, outcomes, and best practices
- A State Department of Education Work-Based Learning Implementation Guidelines
- Students as Teachers (National Association of Elementary School Principals)
- What Kids Can Do
- Webs of Support: An Integrative Framework of Relationships, Social Networks, and Social Support for Positive Youth Development
- Work based learning framework
- Work based learning toolkit
- Young people need experiences that boost their mental health
- Youth Empowerment Solution
- Youth empowerment and support
- Youth Engaged 4 Change
- Youth program adult leader’s directive assistance and autonomy support and development of adolescents’ agency capacity (2018)
- Youth voice: Indicators checklist
Youth as Leaders
Service Learning
Youth Surveys
Related Agencies and Websites
For updated references to this topic, go to Google Scholar
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