Center for MH in Schools & Student/Learning Supports
Community of Practice
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Previous Postings (since 2014)
>It's not about just throwing money at problems: Making Money Matter
>Working on Recovery
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>When is it essential to talk with (and not just at) students?
>Perspectives on Universal School-based Mental Health Interventions
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>"The more time students with disabilities spend in general classrooms the better they do academically."" Is that statement supported by research?
> Perspectives on Preventing school violence
>Eugene School District 4J Joins Lawsuit to Block Threat to Federal Funds
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Supporting Social and Emotional Development in 2025
>Advocating for Change in Providing Student/Learning Supports
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Including Youth in Deciding on How to Improve Schools
>Youth need to feel useful
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Are schools responsible for supporting staff mental wellness?
>Supporting students during and after a crisis
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Behavior Problems: What's a teacher to do?
>Student news broadcasts as a platform for participatory civics
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences and Resilience
>"Holidays" are Special Social and Emotional Development Opportunities
>Are you part of a school stakeholder collaborative?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Supporting students impacted by threat of family deportation
>Positive working relationships in the classroom
>Concerns about online therapy for adolescents
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
> End of the year? ... No, not for the school year!
It's time to reflect on what's been happening and move forward to enhance equity of opportunity over the remaining months
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Are schools protecting students' mental health?
>What do those in the field say about what student/learning supports are most helpful?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>SEL, Winter holidays, and food & toy drives
>About socioeconomic factors and achievement gaps
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Parent wants to know what to do about daughter's disengagement with school and peers
> Let's face it: MTSS is not a unified, comprehensive, and equitable student support system
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Preventing truancy
>About Addressing Poverty: What's a School's Role?
>Thanksgiving includes thanks for public schools
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Demonstrating that mental health in schools is worth the investment
>Promoting positive mental health in schools
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Day after the election: How will you address the elephants in the room?
>Colleague asks for "real" examples of schools addressing prevention
>About Engaging students in active learning
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Are school boards important??
>Impact of homework on students and families
>About new directions for addressing youth mental health
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Will Tier 3 interventions reduce school shootings?
>About Relationship Building at School
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What do you think about online/telephone counseling for students?
>Rethinking universal mindfulness programs in schools
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Should schools use student well-being surveys to guide policy/practice?
>How should schools use artificial intelligence and also cope with misuses?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Enhancing How Schools Assist Families
>Promoting social capital in youth
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Should schools treat kids as kids?
>School support shows positive outcomes
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Steering students toward career & technical education:
Concerns about tracking
>Maximizing effectiveness of volunteers in classrooms
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Looking for a list of behavioral/mental health evidence based interventions for use in schools
>Does MTSS contribute to the marginalization of disabled students?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Need resources on students transitioning from group homes, those in foster care, and others who may have vulnerabilities
>Is flexible learning an essential student support?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Student voice and mental health in schools
>Prevention, promotion, & strength-based approaches to youth mental health
>What's involved in recruiting and retaining school professionals?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Welcoming School Staff and Forming Working Alliances As the School Year Begins
>>Enhancing Ongoing Alliances Between Teachers and Student/Learning Support Staff
>Who's Really Interested in TRANSFORMING Student and Learning Supports?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Schools need to consider "fit" in adopting interventions
>A related concern about fitting evidence-based treatment to the person, not the diagnosis
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What's being done about youth who have disconnected from school?
>About "at-risk" youth
>Showing and Receiving Kindness: An Example of a Natural Opportunity for SEL
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Can there be too much talk about mental health?
>Artificial Intelligence in the classroom
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Can unnecessary student mental health referrals be reduced?
>Increasing Concern About the Complexity of Attendance Problems
>Absenteeism: Yet Another Reason for Transforming Student/Learning Supports
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Social-Emotional Curriculum Isn’t a Good Fit for Every Student
>Supporting the Transition to High School
>14- to 24-year-old: A critical period
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Graduation: Celebrations and Taking Steps to Increase Graduation Rates
>Promoting work based learning this summer
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Paraprofessionals and student/learning supports
>Shifting discipline from consequences to prevention
>The impact of students' sense of belonging on their learning
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What will best meet the needs of all students and staff:
Adding Some More Mental Health Services at Schools
Developing a Unified, Comprehensive, and Equitable Student and Learning Supports System?
>Discipline's impact on student mental health
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
> "How can my district provide leadership in reducing community violence?"
>About concerns that arise in addressing school/community violence
>Is there something special about middle school?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
> "How to engage English language learners?"
>How are schools dealing with the negative side effects of school mental health interventions?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Should schools screen students for mental health problems?
>A student-centered approach to education involves Personalized instruction and special assistance
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What Fosters School Connectedness?
>Chronic absenteeism is a complex problem not solved by simple strategies
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Too many students with emotional, behavior, and learning problems? What can schools do immediately to start improving student/learning supports?
>Improving Student/Learning Supports is Essential to Enhancing School Climate
>Peer Influences on School Engagement and Disengagement
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How can schools strengthen students' respect for each other?
>What's are schools planning for the rapidly approaching summer?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>A teacher asks: What can teachers do to support mental health of student in classrooms?
>Who are opportunity youth?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Trying to address absenteeism? Transform student/learning supports!
>FYI: State education guides on the use of artificial intelligence in schools
>Classrooms that address absenteeism
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Changing the Learning Environment to Enhance Student Engagement
>How should schools address gun violence?
>Classrooms that address absenteeism
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Addressing the Student Mental Health Crisis: Some Major Concerns
>How are schools reengaging disconnected students (and families)?
>Classrooms that address absenteeism
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Students' concerns about seeking mental health help
>After school programs are essential transition supports
>Valentine's day: a great opportunity to give to others
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Addressing the social determinants of chronic absenteeism
>Classrooms that address absenteeism
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Support for peer-rejected students
>About Student Voice, Participation, and Support
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Martin Luther King Day: An opportunity
>A High School Student asks Questions Related to Addressing Barriers to Learning at school
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What's your Take on Promoting Positive Mental Health?
>More on Reengaging Students
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About Student Empathy and the Holiday Season
>How Much of a Problem is Student Engagement?
>Enhancing Student Engagement Over the Rest of the Year
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What supports can schools provide over winter break?
>Enhancing teacher/staff well being and retention
>The Youth Homelessness System Improvement Grants
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Ideas about enhancing a school's efforts to prevent problems
>Are you supporting population based mental health?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What can schools do when problems are so severe?
>Rethinking breaktime
>Natural Opportunities for Enhancing Social and Emotional Development
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How tired are you of being bombarded by bad news about schools?
>What is authentic community service? students and families?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>School board member asks: Why can't all students be mentors?
>How are schools welcoming immigrant & other newcomer students and families?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How should a parent respond when a school's practice undermines their child’s positive attitudes?
>Providing housing for homeless students by districts and communities
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>"Has the pandemic changed the way we build teens' self-esteem?" asks a high school student
>Updates on How Hawai`i schools and communities are supporting students/family/staff in the aftermath of the Maui fire
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Why are school-community collaborations so difficult to establish & maintain?
>Can schools counter hate?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What's the current state of student supports? the future?
>Community Schools and MTSS Provide a Platform for Transforming Student/Learning Supports
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Teachers Can't and Shouldn't be Expected to Do it Alone
>Can the Arts be Used to Enhance Students' Empathy and Compassion?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>School support for homeless families and students
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>New insights into risk and enhancing resiliency
>Amplifying youth voice in promoting help-seeking
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Strengthening social connections among peers
>TikTok as a public health tool?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Seeking family input to improve student success
>About threat assessment
>Update from Hawai`i on Impact on Schools
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About kicking off the school year with community support
>Connecting with students in the first days of the new school year
>Interventions to promote attendance before it becomes a problem
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Enhancing a positive school climate this school year begins with welcoming
>About the Role of School Engagement in Preventing School Dropout
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What's the plan for strengthening relationships with families this school year?
>Reclaiming Our Schools' Promise and Purpose
>A closer look at mandatory reporting
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How do students know that teachers care about them?
>Youth thrive when the environment fits
>Free activities for summer learning and enrichment
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Positive psychology goes to school
>About the growing number of reports of discipline problems
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Increasing student engagement: Students as teachers
>Enhancing mental health effectiveness: Focus on Prevention
>School board member responds to MH in Schools: Moving Beyond the Emergency
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Adding "belonging" to summer learning
> End of the school year is a time for expressing appreciations
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Colleague asks: How to measure school mental health success?
>About reducing teacher burnout
>Interchange about "Screening Students for Problems: Testing Often is Not Needed"
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How can schools reach students who are hesitant about using school mental health resources?
>Summer: Can schools and communities provide students with opportunities for social and emotional growth and well-being?
>Children and Youth Resilience challenge
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What's next for a district ready to transform student/learning supports?
>What can schools do about student problems in poverty neighborhoods?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>A school's socialization agenda can produce problems for families
>Youth share recommendations about supporting their MH needs
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Is behavior management co-opting SEL?
> What happens when a student stands up for a bullied peer?
>Peer to Peer support for teen mental health
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Using lessons learned from the MH crisis to strengthen prevention
>School enjoyment contributes to positive learning and behavior
>About Children in Ukraine
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Engaging and reengaging students -- featuring an effort by Pinellas County to "get middle schools right"
>Youth mental health: Sharing decision making
>About Youth-Initiated Mentoring
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Request from a district about revamping its approach to mental health
>About strengthening positive mental health
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
> Some schools are being closed: Supporting students and families in making transitions
>Teaching about social justice as an approach to commemorating Cesar Chavez
>Enhancing Home Involvement in School and "Things Teachers Should Never Do in a Parent Meeting"
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Looking to improve the school's role in enhancing mental health?
>Can the impact of social determinants on child and adolescent mental health be altered?
>Lessons Learned from Pioneering Efforts to Transform Student/Learning Supports
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Some indicators of youth risk behavior show encouraging trends
>About mental health in schools as a platform for transforming student/learning supports
>Can mentoring expand support for adolescents who are depressed?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Students Thrive with Positive Experiences (and so do school staff)
>New Teacher Blues: Changing the Tune
>It's not all about teacher-student relationships and good instruction: Addressing problems requires a strong system of student/learning supports
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What problems arise when additional MH professionals are brought into a school?
>Focusing on Mental Health in Schools from a Public Health Perspective
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Countering the Impending Tidal Wave of Unnecessary Referrals for Special Assistance and Special Education
>What’s being done to increase attendance at this critical time?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Do you know what students are thinking and feeling?
>Social capital and adolescent mental health
>Is personalized learning a function of technology?
>A high school student's concerns about technology in the classroom
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What do schools need from student support staff?
>Retaining teachers requires more opportunities for collegial collaboration
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Teaching about MLK: History + SEL
>About Developing Kindness and Compassion & Promoting MH
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How are the kids? Is the "new normal" being mentally unwell?
>Learning loss: Fact or stigma?
>Using the holiday season for service learning? Earth could use some help
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How should a community-based psychologist respond to a school's call for help after a crisis?
>Student Transitions: An often neglected domain of student/learning supports
>Time for Straight Talk about Mental Health Services and MH in Schools
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Teaching About Thanksgiving Can be Accurate, Respectful, and Still Fun
>How should mental health specialists work with schools?
>Facilitating student and family access to special assistance
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Community-school collaboration: An essential part of a student support system
>Evolving Community Schools and Transforming Student/Learning Supports
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Crises --from awareness to prevention, mitigation, protection, response, and recovery
Plus (a) a bit of information on how schools supported students and families before and after Hurricane Ian and (b) a news article clip on What a Teachers' Union Leader Saw in Ukraine
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
> How can schools enhance efforts to increase home connections and engagement?
>Excerpt from: Reimagine Education-Related Parental Involvement among Low-Socioeconomic Status Families
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How are various sources of funding being braided to improve/transform student/learning supports?
>How can student/learning supports play-out in classrooms?
>Are schools enhancing student creativity?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Is Cross-age Mentoring Effective?
>About Reducing Bullying
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Can youth empowerment enhance violence prevention?
>About Student Voice and Participation
>How optimistic are teens about the future?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What's being done about providing student/learning supports after school and when school is not in session?
>Requests from colleagues about strengthening classrooms and reducing referrals
>What's your reaction to the following article? The Enigma of "Real World" Mental Health Care
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Community Schools and School-Community Collaboratives: How are they improving student and learning supports?
>What are the first steps to take when students have problems?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Can resilience and protective factors reduce stress?
>What role can youth play in promoting positive changes at school and in the community?
>What are other countries doing to enhance mental health in schools?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How are schools using federal funds to advance efforts to transform student and learning supports?
>How can classroom's better meet student needs this fall?
>Finding places where marginalized young adults can find support and increase resilience
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Student anxiety, aggressive behavior, school climate, & other related concerns
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What role do situational and relationship factors play in youngsters' emotional problems?
>Does a "hardened campus" discourage parent engagement?
>Welcoming and student/family support starts at the front office
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How should schools improve discipline practices?
>About student jobs: Good for students? Good for schools?
>What's Going on with children's cabinets?
>Accounting for the views of children and adolescents
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Restoring teacher and principal well-being
> Special education students and nonpublic schools
>Comments on Center cautions about universal suicide screening
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Behavioral issues, absenteeism at schools increase
>Youth Voice and Participation
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Legislation is bringing more money for mental health to schools:
But the funding is not sustainable
>What we're hearing from districts working on improving student support
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About input as we plan a national online summit focused on unifying student/learning supports with mental health concerns fully embedded
>What can school boards do to improve student/learning supports?
>About Limiting the Focus at Schools to the "Youth Mental Health Crisis"
>Students Persevere; Teachers Ask for Support
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About Guiding Discussions to Improve Student/Learning Supports
>Will the Class of 2022 need supports to succeed as they move forward?
Should guns be a topic for classroom discussion -- and ACTION?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>After Texas School Shooting: What are you doing to prevent the next one?
>As violence spikes, Chicago Schools are taking the need to provide activities for students 'very seriously'
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Is this Community of Practice venue useful to you? How can we make it more useful? (Feedback request)
>Enhancing family engagement in schools
About Amending Regulations Implementing Section 504to Strengthen and Protect Rights for Students with Disabilities
>Teachers and student support staff working together (Part IV of four part series on recruiting, welcoming, developing, and supporting new teachers and student support staff)
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Which schools/districts are workingto transform student/learning supports?
>Enhancing Student/Learning Supports in Classrooms
(Part III of four part series on recruiting, welcoming, developing, and supporting new teachers and student support staff)
>About Teen Summer Jobs and Volunteering
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Buffalo Superintendent's letter about the tragedy
>Enhancing District & School Efforts to Address Mental Health Concerns
>Welcoming and supporting new teachers and student support staff
(Part II of four part series on recruiting, welcoming, developing, and supporting new teachers and student support staff)
>Adversity and Opportunity -- The Pandemic's Paradoxical Effect on Child Health and Well-being
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>More Needs Assessment -- Is it really needed?
>Aggressively recruiting new teachers and student support staff -- Part I of a four part series on recruiting, welcoming, developing, and supporting school personnel
>Some Ukrainian children are still in school despite the war
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>More perspectives on school screening for student problems (e.g., emotional, learning, potential for suicide and violence)
>What we learn from kids
>Welcoming newcomers to school – and can we learn from Europe’s response to Ukraine’s refugee students?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>A wellness agenda and enhancing a sense of community at school
>Youth have a role to play in improving school safety
>What's happening to maintain the education of Ukrainian students?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About how some students are showing support for Ukraine
>Join the debate about: Coping and resilience in the time of Covid-19 and structural inequities
>Another controversy: A colleague cautions about child behavioral health research
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About Students Supporting the Ukraine
>Perspectives on addressing the teacher shortage
> >Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What about universal suicide screening in schools?
>Working with communities
> >Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About redesigning classrooms so every student has equity of opportunity to succeed at school and beyond
>Students Helping Students
> >Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What about using mental health paraprofessionals in schools?
>Excerpt from New GOA Report: School Districts in Socially Vulnerable Communities Faced Heightened Challenges after Recent Natural Disasters
> >Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What to do about the pandemic's impact on the mental health of student and school staff
>Secretary Cardona's Vision for Education
>Call for Papers: Causes and consequences of emerging violent extremism in the U.S. and implications for school safety, student mental health, families, and communities
> >Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About how teens can help each another during this time of crisis
>US Department of Education statements about using the relief funds
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About guidelines for using relief funds for homeless students
>Planning on applying for a Full Service Community Schools grant?
>Moving Upstream to Improve Children's MH -- Community & Policy Change
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About "mental health lay workers" in schools
>About supporting those affected by crises
>Practitioner discussion of the topic "the volume of students needing help is overwhelming"
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Giving resources to students experiencing problems who want to better understand themselves and others
>About Bibliotherapy for Youngsters
>The focus on schools in the Surgeon General's report on youth MH
>About multitiered system of supports/response to intervention (MTSS/RtI)
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About taking mental health days
>About student apathy
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About addressing trauma and doing so equitably
>About the ever-present dropout problem
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About Expanding the Roles of Paraprofesssionals During Staff Shortages
>What are school staff saying about mental health resources and practices in their school?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About alternative schools
>About the impact of the shortage of substitute teachers
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Request from the field for participants in school mental health study
>About Increasing School Attendance
>Establishing a New School Mental Health Unit OR Fully Embedding Mental Health into Ongoing Efforts to Address Barriers to Learning and Teaching?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Masks at schools are natural opportunities to promote social and emotional development & mental health
>Promoting collaboration between management and “teacher” unions to enhance school improvement
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>The problem of engaging (and reengaging) students
>What are students saying after the first months of school?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>High absenteeism calls for extensive outreach and comprehensive efforts to reengage disconnected students
>Concerns about the pernicious impact of extramural funding for mental health services in schools
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How Are Immigrants/Refugees and Other Newcomers Being Transitioned-In at Local Schools?
>At this stage in the pandemic: How Are Adolescents Coping?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How are schools currently addressing the many COVID-related problems arising for students?
>Responses related to position statement about mental health in schools
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About addressing the impact of lost instructional time
>How much input are you having about supporting students as the school year begins?
>About making teams and work groups effective
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What's planned for students (and teachers/staff) who are quarantined?
>About Improving Mental Health Support at Schools: Meeting Immediate Needs, Rebuilding Systems to Enhance Capabilities
>Follow up on Mask Bullying
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What plans are in place to address "mask bullying"?
>In the News
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Are folks overestimating the mental health impact of the pandemic?
>About promoting resilience
>In the News
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>A cautionary note about SEL: Manners? Morals? Mental Health?
>Improving student/learning supports: It's not just about more staff & stuff
>Can schools be safe without school police?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About integrating social/emotional with multicultural education
>In the News:U.S. Department of Education Releases "Return to School Roadmap"
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
Summer school: A mixed picture
We don't have big goals': Leaders call for ed transformation after COVID-19
>About legislative efforts for mental health in school
>In the News:Youth helping older adults access resources
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
Reductions in school staffing
Funds for homeless students
>Do the mental health concerns arising from the pandemic make itessential for schools to promote mutual support groups for teachers andother school staff?
>Safe schools: Are school police essential?
>Professional Development This Summer: What Teachers and PrincipalsSay They Need
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How are schools supporting students this summer?
>>A Learn and Earn Summer Program
>>Community Service Learning
About State Plans for Using Federal Relief Funds to Support Students
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How committed are schools to equity, inclusion, diversity, social justice?
>What do students and school staff need this summer?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How are federal stimulus funds being used to address barriers to learning and teaching? Will the work be sustainable when the special funding ends?
>How about using relief funds to transform the way schools address mental health concerns?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Now what for students who didn't participate in online learning?
>School Districts are Helping Increase Access to COVID-19 Vaccinations
>New Report:Implementation Science and Complex School Changes
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How are schools helping students return to normal?
>Homeless students: Using stimulus funds to address the challenge
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>More about outreaching to those who have not returned and also addressing chronic absenteeism
>Opportunities for summer learning
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Developing an infrastructure for social and emotional development
>Averting Targeted School Violence: Secret Service Analysis
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About community mental health agencies working in schools
>Learning from school reopenings
>One year of school closures: What's next?
>Special Announcements
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Resilience and the Pandemic
>Moving forward with a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About Resources to Address Racism Against Asians, Asian-Americans, and Pacific Islanders in the U.S.
>Lessons learned as students return to school
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About School Planning for Uncertainty in Navigating COVID-19
>How Do Young Children Explain Differences in the Classroom? Implications for Achievement, Motivation, and Educational Equity
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What is being done about substance abuse during the pandemic?
>COVID-19 Prevention via the Science of Habit Formation
>New Directions for Student/Learning Supports Staff
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Anticipating and planning for demonstrations related to the trial of the officer charged in George Floyd’s death
>More on 504 accommodations
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>504 accommodations
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Reengaging Dropouts: Outreach and Re-entryStrategies as Schools Re-open
>From a HS student: Pressure to open schools is foolish in a pandemic
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Share experiences about schooling during the pandemic
>Meeting the needs of students during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
>School connectedness in these challenging times
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Psychological impact of multiple challenges: What should schools do?
>Tackling the Pandemic’s Mental Health Impact
>Concerns about the push to “catch up”
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How might schools respond to the violence at the U.S. Capitol?
>How are schools planning to meet the needs of special education students?
>What’s being done to reach youth and connect them with needed services?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Schools Responding to the Violence at the U.S. Capitol: A Time to Help, a Time to Model, and a time to Teach
>A Superintendent’s search for ways to address the strain on staff in her district
>Why are students asked to pay for equipment?
>About the nominee for U.S. Secretary of Education
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Holidays during the pandemic: What are your plans?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Enhancing teaming to strengthen support for students and teachers
>Response to discussion of privatizing student support personnel>
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Are you using concerns about the pandemic, social injustices, and other natural opportunities to enhance social emotional development?
>A few newsitems
>Policy director shares Biden's 5-step education agenda
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How can the negative impact on MH of COVID protection protocols be mitigated?
>How supported are K-8 students in moving from online to hybrid learning?
>Let’s provide input to the Biden education transition team
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Empathy for students in these challenging times: Is it being treated as an imperative?
>Teaching students in a mental health facility
>Government Accounting Office report on education and COVID 19
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What innovations are schools introducing during these challenging times?
>More on resilience and teens during the pandemic
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
11/2/20 -- Special Edition
>Being Ready After the Election to Help Students Process the Outcomes
10/29/20 -- Special Edition
>Are you encountering students who are indicating emotional concerns about the election?
>How are Schools Planning to Prevent an Increase in Dropouts?
>What if each student were served by a team?
>More about risk and resilience during the pandemic
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>How are students experiencing online learning? And what do they say about making it better?
>In the News:
>>Fewer Kids, Less Money: How the Pandemic Puts Districts in a Bind
>>Will the Students Who Didn't Show Up for Online Class This Spring Go Missing Forever?
>>Ill. district creates online counseling resources.
>>Pandemic fuels "crisis" in education workforce
>>Schools need technical support for distance teaching
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Strategies to link students to support during distance learning
>Are schools meeting the MH needs of general education students?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What’s your view about Learning Pods?
>Can remote learning produce good outcomes
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Does remote schooling increase or decrease cyberbullying?
>What’s happening to strengthen online student & staff support?
>About layoff protections and shortages
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Analysis of school reopening plans: Moving Forward
>What can be done for parents challenged by online learning schedules?
>Request from a teacher leader about enhancing online learning engagement
>About COVID-19 and School Climate
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About creative models for teaching during the pandemic
>Supporting parents/families as co-teachers
>Improving the quality of online instruction at the university level
>School nurses are prominently discussed in new school year: What about other student/learning support staff?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Reconnecting with students who didn’t participate in online learning
>America’s mental health system is sorely lacking a public focus
>U.S. Dept of Ed provides rethinking education grants to eleven states
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What should online schooling do to promote positive social development?
>What’s your view about this student’s reaction to onlineinstruction and support:?
>Will online schooling reduce relational bullying?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About teaching and providing student/learning supports online
>A Principal sent us a call for reopening schools
>Helping children and teens through this difficult time
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What are teachers and student support staff reporting about their experiences with distance learning/student support?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Different perspectives on resuming in person teaching and learning
>Guidance for school re-opening: NEA, AASA, States
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>NEA’s request re: a “virtual care package”
>How do schools respond to students expressing strong emotions?
>What’s taking place locally to support learning over the summer?
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Students and schools addressing social justice and equity
>Diversity as a Focus for a School’s Learning Supports Leadership Team
>Staff Mental Health: What’s being done to appreciate the effort beyondthe call of duty
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Youth speak out on social injustice
>Teachers’ reactions to changes in interacting with students online
>How the current crisis can lead to burnout
>Letter of appreciation from a superintendent
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>About Innovative summer enrichment programs
>Q&A about mental health support by schools in light of the pandemics
>Setting up a grass roots mental health network
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Issues being raised about how schools relate to local police
>Issues about re-opening schools equitably
>One student’s reaction and his grandfather’s response
>A superintendents message
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
The Two Pandemics
>What are schools doing and planning to address the racial pandemic?
>What Some Students are Experiencing>What works in online counseling/teaching
>About professional development for student/learning support during the pandemic
>Student and retired teachers are volunteering during the pandemic
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
About how schools are and plan to address the racial pandemic
>First response and some resources
>The murder of George Floyd andthe events that have and will continue to follow
>Responding to COVID-19 with innovative student/learning supports
>Student/learning support staff are reaching out to students
>About being at the planning table for school re-opening
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>Contrasting perspectives:
>>From the U. S. Department of EducationLearning must continue for all students
>>From “We are teachers”Sometimes the best thing you can do for a student is to back off
>An example of district decisions related to tight budget
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What are student/learning support staff doing while schools are closed?
>About reaching students who don’t have internet access
>Follow-up to discussion of missing students
>Links to a few other relevant shared resources
>What secondary students say about their current situation
4/22/20 (special edition)
>Outreach to “missing” students
>Follow-up to discussion of when schools re-open
>Links to a few other relevant resources
4/15/20 (special edition)
Coping with the Pandemic AND Continuing to Address Learning and Teaching Problems
>Crisis Responding: Does it preclude planning ahead?
>What can we do for students who are not doing well in being schooled at home?
>What students are saying
>Links to a few other relevant resources
4/7/20 (special edition)
Mental Health and the Coronavirus Crisis
>Does your community have
>>a mental health hotline?
>>an online quick link resource list related to MH?
>Maintaining mental health during the Coronavirus crisis
>Sharing from colleagues
>Links to a few other relevant resources
4/6/20 (special edition)
>>Added Stressors on Teachers
>>Online Teaching? Another Problem in Providing Equity of Opportunity
>>How one teacher is reaching out to students
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
4/3/20 (special edition)
>>What kids are saying about no school
>>Sharing from the Field about Grief Resources
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
4/2/20 (special edition)
The elephant in the room when school’s provide online teaching
>>What student/learning supports are in place for students being taughtat home during the crisis?
>>What we hear from student/learning supports’ leaderswho are working to address the need
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
3/31/20 (special edition)
>>Request from NY for resources on grief that schools can use
>>Concern about at risk students and how schools can keep in touch
>>Updates on Arizona and Illinois schools during pandemic
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
3/30/20 (special edition)
>>How schools and their student/learning support staff are and can take action NOW
>>What children and youth can do to help others during the crisis
>>What are superintendents telling their community?
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
3/29/20 (special edition)
>>Moving Ahead: Ready to be Proactive
>>Physical distancing, not social distancing
>>“Revisiting our school/district crisis plan: we didn’t plan for this crisis”
>>Seattle schools provide essential services during the crisis
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
3/28/20 (special edition)
>>Early Warning: Now is the time to Plan for the Increase inStudent Problems When Schools Reopen
>>Resources related to setting up a hotline/helpline related to the crisis
>>District to go to online learning/grading to complete the school year
>>Community Tool Kit of Resources Related to the Crisis
>>Messages Sent Out by a School Nurse and a Superintenden
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
3/27/20 (special edition)
>>Establishing online teams at school, district, and state levels toplan and provide enhanced student/learning supports now andwhen students return
>>What student support national organizations are advising
>>What State Departments of Education are Doing
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
3/26/20 (special edition)
>>Mental Health and the crisis
>>What are kids’ questions about coronavirus?
>>About situations where parents/caregivers are working remotely
>>Virginia State Department of Education's Changing Graduation Requirements
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
3/24/20 (special edition)
>>Time to establish a pool for free tutoring
>>Engaging teens in learning during the crisis
>>What state departments of education are doing/advising
>>Links to a few other relevant resource >> s
3/23/20 (special edition)
>>U.S. Department of Education update
>>Social and Emotional Support for students
>>What state departments of education are doing/suggesting
>>Links to a few other relevant resources
3/22/20 (special edition)
Activities for Kids While Schools are Closed
3/21/20 (special edition)
Sharing Information about Resources and Actions
>National School Boards Association guidance on the crisis
>In times of crisis:
>>Taking care of ourselves and our families and friends
>>Continuing to support students and their families
>>Strengthening our communities
What state departments of education are doing/suggesting
Links to a few other relevant resources3/19/20 (special edition)
>About Student/Learning Supports and the Coronavirus
>A Superintendent’s letter to families
>American Psychological Association Advice for Mental Health
>What state departments of education are advising
>Links to a few other relevant resources
>More At-home Activities3/17/20 (special edition)
>How are on-the-job school staff continuing to provide support tostudents and families?
>What do state departments of education suggest?3/15/20 (special edition)
>Update on plans for students when schools are closed3/13/20 (special edition)
>CDC resources for schools related to the coronavirus
>>Mitigation: Schools/childcare
>> Mental health concerns3/11/20
>Transforming Schools to Better Address Barriersto Learning and Teaching3/4/20
>Guidance for Schools About the Coronavirus
>How can schools support students impacted by family opioid addiction?2/19/20
>Strengthening School-Home Connections
>Self-report may exaggerate severity of mental health problems2/12/20
>Supporting students/families following natural disasters
>Broadening understanding of social emotional learning2/5/20
>About the rising number of students described as anxious --
Is anxiety overdiagnosed?1/22/20
> Controversy about screening students for toxic stress1/15/20
>Hate Crimes
>Addressing the stress of winter break and holidays
>Follow-up -- School staff or community mental health providers?12/11/19
>Should legislation for mental health in schools emphasize using school staff or community mental health providers?12/4/19
>About Suicide Prevention Campaigns11/20/19
>How effective is youth mental health support?
>Is poverty a risk factor for learning, behavior, and emotional problems?11/13/19
>About strengthening student and staff connections at school11/6/19
>>Broader understanding of attendance problems enhances interventions10/23/19
>Michael Ungar asks: Does Mindfulness Really Make Us Resilient?
>Are student reports of crime being used to identify needed action? And is hotspot mapping being used?10/16/19
>Intro resources for teacher pathway and preparation programs10/9/19
>About promoting social emotional development at different ages
A Recent Research Report from the Field –
>>What Matters for Urban Adolescents’ Engagement and Disengagement in School9/25/19
>About screening for problems at school
Follow-up on a previous discussion –
>>Will the college admissions scandal hurt students with disabilities?9/11/19
>Are you playing a role in transforming student/learning supports?
Follow-up on previous discussions:
>What’s the difference between teasing and bullying?
>What is school adjustment?9/4/19
>What’s a positive way to help youth identify affinity groups?
>Achievement gap or opportunity gap?8/21/19
>About grouping students with behavior problems
>Are schools overspecializing special assistance?8/14/19
>What are the plans for addressing bullying as school begins?
>What are the limitations of MTSS?