Special Resource Material Developed by the Center
Title: Implementing Response to Intervention in Context (Practice Brief)
Description: Response to intervention is meant to be broad-based and preventative. However, as formulated and practiced the approach often is too limited in how it frames what needs to go on to enable learning, engage students, and keep them engaged. In particular, it pays too little attention to the need to strengthen the classroom and schoolwide context in ways that enhance the effectiveness of response to intervention. This brief highlights ways to transform the context for implementing response to intervention. The emphasis is on a sequential classroom approach that personalizes instruction, then, if necessary, pursues specialized interventions in a hierarchical
manner. Moreover, classroom interventions are understood as embedded in a comprehensive and systemic schoolwide framework for addressing barriers to learning and teaching and re-engaging disconnected students.Access at: http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/implementingrti.pdf 175kb; 29pp