Special Resource Material Developed by the Center
Title: Cut-Backs Make it Essential to Unify and Rework Student and Learning Supports at Schools and Among Families of Schools (POLICY NOTES)
Description: Given the current slow economic recovery, the consensus is that cut-backs will worsen in the next few years. This makes it essential for policy makers to understand new and cost-effective ways to address factors that interfere with learning and teaching. New approaches are needed because prevailing ideas for using whatever resources are left are inadequate for addressing the many problems undermining student outcomes and doing so in ways that meet the needs of the many rather than just providing traditional services to a relatively few students. In motion across the country are trail blazing initiatives by several state education agencies and school districts that illustrate such new directions.Access at: http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/cutbacks.pdf 27kb;2pp