Special Resource Material Developed by the Center
Title: Substance Abuse and Mental Health: What’s a School to Do?
Description: The chicken and egg conundrum here is: What comes first: substance abuse or mental health problems or problems at school? The relationship among problems such as these is complex (Busch, et al., 2014; DeSimone, 2010; Heradstveit, Skogen, Hetland, & Hysing, 2017; Lynskey & Hall, 2000; Stiby, et al., 2015). Mental health and school problems can lead some youngsters to self-medicate; and for some, substance use can lead to school and mental health problems. For schools, all three problems and their relationship to each other are of daily concern.Access at: http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/substabuse.pdf (For Personal Use Only)