Special Resource Material Developed by the Center

Title: Mental Health in Schools: Opportunities and Challenges

Description: Mental health concerns must be addressed if schools are to function satisfactorily and students are to succeed at school. It has long been acknowledged that a variety of psychosocial and health problems affect student learning and performance in profound ways. School policy makers have a lengthy history of trying to assist teachers in dealing with a variety of problems that interfere with schooling. Prominent examples of efforts to assist are seen in the range of counseling, psychological, and social service programs schools provide (Adelman & Taylor, 2010). In addition to interventions by school support staff, there has been renewed emphasis in recent years on increasing linkages between schools and community service agencies. This "school-linked services" agenda has added impetus to advocacy for mental health in schools.

Access at:   http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/publications/mentalhealthinschoolsopportunitiesandchallenges.pdf (For Personal Use Only)  900kb; 15pp