Special Resource Material Developed by the Center

Title: Confidentiality: Competing Principles, Inevitable Dilemmas

Description: This article deals with the different strategies of dealing with the maintaining confidentiality of students and at the same time providing appropriate information to others who share concern and responsibility for a minor's welfare. This is a fundamental dilemma experienced everyday by those who try to help youngsters. It is tempting to resolve dilemma by reasserting that all counseling information must be confidential, however, this position ignores he fact that failure to share germane information can seriously and unethically hamper efforts to help. Keywords: Intervention, confidentiality, students, education, strategies, best practice, standard based reform, learning support, learning, support, legal, issues,

Access at:   http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/publications/15 confidentiality competing principles inevitable dilemmas.pdf (For Personal Use Only)