Special Resource Material Developed by the Center

Title: Enhancing Summer Learning (Information Resource)

Description: As a recent RAND report highlights: "student's skills and knowledge often deteriorate during the summer months, with low-income students facing the largest losses."

Following-up on this concern, we sent a request to folks across the country for information about:

  • any examples of what communities are doing to counter summer set-backs and other problems experienced by youngster over the summer
  • any ways communities and schools have come together to create an organized and cohesive initiative that is designed to attract and benefit youngsters who are of the greatest concern.
For communities and schools that have not done much, we also asked for thoughts about who (what organization/position) is in a position to stimulate interest in developing an organized and cohesive initiative.

This Information Resource presents a representative sample of what we learned from others and also some distinctive programs Center staff found on websites. Appended are excerpts from two major policy reports (one from the Harvard Family Research Project and one from the National Center on Time & Learning and the Education Commission of the States).

Access at:   http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/sumlearn.pdf  46kb; 9pp