Special Resource Material Developed by the Center
Title: Preparing All Education Personnel to Address Barriers to Learning & Teaching (Center Report)
Description: The next decade must mark a turning point for how schools and communities
address the many barriers to learning experienced by children and youth. Needed in particular are initiatives to transform how schools work to prevent and ameliorate these barriers which lead to so many students being designated as learning, behavior, and emotional problems. Such a transformation is essential to enhancing achievement for all, closing the achievement gap, reducing dropouts, and increasing the opportunity for schools to be valued as treasures in their neighborhood. An end product must be schools where everyone ? staff, students, families, and community stakeholders ? feels supported. To this end, schools, districts, and state departments around the country will have to reshape the functions of all school personnel and enhance capacity for addressing barriers to learning and teaching. Accomplishing all this will require transforming policy and practice related to school improvement and personnel development.Access at: http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/preparingall.pdf 207kb; 40pp