Barriers to learning and teaching interfere with students’ ability to participate effectively and benefit fully from classroom instruction and other educational activities. For school improvement efforts to succeed in ways that truly improve student achievement and student test scores, systemic changes must be made in how schools provide learning supports.

This new directions guide to student learning supports for school leaders, along with a companion volume for schoolwide use, offers a comprehensive, multifaceted, and integrated approach to addressing barriers to learning and teaching. It suggests a sophisticated approach to rethinking and facilitating systemic changes to infrastructure and policy at school and community levels. The volume includes a variety of figures, tables, and tools for analysis and capacity building to help school leaders understand, assess, and remedy the gap between the learning supports students need and the learning supports they are currently receiving.
Every teacher knows about barriers to learning and teaching that interfere with student progress and academic achievement. These barriers to learning can hamper a student’’s ability to participate effectively and benefit fully from classroom instruction and other educational activities. For school improvement efforts to succeed in ways that truly improve student achievement and student test scores, schools must provide students with learning supports in comprehensive, multifaceted, and cohesive ways.

This new directions guide is designed to accompany the School Leader’s Guide to Student Learning Supports. Together, these two handbooks offer an adaptable system for addressing barriers to learning and teaching. The volume includes a variety of specific practices, procedures, resources, tools, and guides for motivating students, personalizing instruction and curriculum, promoting development, building school and community partnerships, and closing the gap between the learning supports students need and the learning supports they are currently receiving.