In response to a growing awareness that the lion's share of preventive interventions for youth are conducted in schools, the School Intervention Interest Group (SIIG) the SCRA (Div. 27) of APA was established to focus on the theories, methods, knowledge base, and setting factors pertaining to prevention and health promotion programs in schools. The primary goal of the SIIG is to promote quality research, practice, training and directions for future work in this area, and to facilitate the exchange of ideas among those already working toward these goals. Functions of SIIG include: sharing information and the benefits of experience, discussing the role of community psychology interventions in the complex matrix of issues currently facing schools and education, developing standards for school-based interventions and their evaluation, initiating collaborations, and providing instrumental and emotional support.
In recent months, member of SIIG have discussed several themes relevant to community psychology's role in school intervention;
  1. How to make interventions in schools live on beyond the life of the consultant/researcher
  2. How to bring other voices (e.g., youth, education professionals, etc.) to the table
  3. How to improve school-based collaborations
  4. How to develop awareness of community psychology methods and practices in schools, as well as to infuse that perspective into school interventions
  5. How to involve community psychology in systemic change and education reform
In addition, given that the boundary between schools and communities has become so fluid (with schools moving deeper into community life and communities moving their concerns and activities into schools), the SIIG is concerned with the new roles, challenges, and dilemmas that community psychologists must face.
The SIIG is committed to facilitating dialog, via several mediums, among those interested in the role of community psychology in school-based interventions. Members of the SIIG communicate regularly through the Internet via a listserv, The Community Psychologist, and regular meetings at APA, the SCRA Biennial, and regional conferences.
Since its inception in 1995, the SIIG has attracted a substantial group interested in sharing resources, ideas, and findings. Over 130 people have joined our network, and we look forward to continued growth. If you are interested in becoming a member, wish to ask a question, or have a suggestion, please contact chair:
Paul D. Flaspohler, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor &
Director of Program Development and Evaluation
Department of Psychology &
Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs
Psychology 102G
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056
O: 513.529.2469; F: 513.529.2420
Email: flaspopd@muohio.edu

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