Title: Violence in Schools: How to Proactively Prevent and Defuse It
Author: J.L. Curcio & P.F. First
Agency: Corwin Press, Inc.
Abstract: This book aims to explain to administrators, step by step, what to do when violence does occur. It analyzes the major causes and types of violence, including student-to-student and student-to-teacher, and explores racial conflict. The book also deals heavily with prevention and intervention strategies. Keywords: crime, anger, aggression, youth violence, Crisis and Violence Prevention, Prevention, Violence, School-Based Intervention, Cultural Diversity, Intervention Models, safe schools, students, teachers, school administrators, safety, teacher, staffing support, school violence, cultural conflict, resolution, cultural sensitivity, intercultural violence, best practice, threats, standard based reform
Date: 1993
Source: for information, address: Corwin Press, Inc.; A Sage Publications Company; 2455 Teller Rd; Newbury Park, CA, 91320
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