Title: Preventing and Managing Conflict in Schools
Author: N.H. Katz & J.W. Lawyer
Agency: The Practicing Administrator's Leadership Series, Corwin Press, Inc.
Abstract: This handbook discusses the various means of conflict prevention through effective human interaction: immediacy, agreement setting and management, facilitation, and mediation. It stresses prevention and management of conflict and emphasizes the important role of the facilitator in the conflict resolution process. Keywords: anger, aggression, Crisis and Violence Prevention, School-Based, Prevention, Sources Of Assistance, Intervention Models, Program Implementation, conflict resolution, teacher education, school administrators, youth/violence, adolescents, school violence, cultural conflict, resolution, cultural sensitivity, intercultural violence, threats
Date: 1994
Source: for information, address: Corwin Press, Inc.; A Sage Publications Company; 2455 Teller Rd; Thousand Oaks, CA, 91320
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