Title: Working Together, Moving Ahead: A Manual to Support Effective Community Health Coalitions
Author: Sofaer, Shoshanna, Ph.D
Agency: School of Public Affairs Baruch College
Abstract: This handbook is designed to support those who: participate in coalitions, provide staff support to coalitions, provide funding or in-kind resources to coalitions, or require their grantees to organize and utilize coalitions in their work. This manual is designed to provide practical advice on common concerns and problems facing coalitions. It is also designed to get people thinking about why they have chosen to use coalitions in their work, about their assumptions in building coalitions, and about the structures and processes they are using with coalitions. For a copy of this free publication, call 212-802-5900. Keywords: coalitions, collaborative, interagency collaboration, intragency, teams, coalition
Date: 2001
Source: School of Public Affairs, Baruch College
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