Special Resource Material Developed by the Center

Title: A Center Policy & Practice Analysis Brief: School Attendance Problems: Are Current Policies & Practices Going in the Right Direction?

Description: Every student absence jeopardizes the ability of students to succeed at school and schools to achieve their mission. Students who are not at school cannot receive instruction. Schools funded on the basis of average daily attendance have less resources to do the job. Some youngsters who are truant from school engage in behaviors that are illegal. And the correlates of school attendance problems go on and on. Reducing school absences is one of the most challenging matters facing schools. In addressing the problem, it is important to begin by exploring two questions: What factors lead to student absences? How can schools more effectively address the problem? This brief provides a quick overview of issues related to school attendance problems and then frames directions for policy and practice. As with all Center briefs, it is meant to highlight the topic and provide a tool for discussion by school policy makers and practitioners.

Access at:   http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/briefs/school attendance problems.pdf  133kb; 29pp