Special Resource Material Developed by the Center

Title: Restructuring Education Support Services and Integrating Community Resources: Beyond the Full Service School Model

Description: Major gaps in initiatives to restructure education and community health and social services are highlighted. To address gaps and accelerated reform beyond the full service school model, the enabling component is introduced as a unifying, policy-oriented concept. Examples of current efforts to operationalize the concept are outlined. Implications for school psychologists are stressed in terms of changing roles and functions.http://smhp.psych.ucla.eduKeywords: systematic change strategies, educational reform, enabling component, restructuring, support for transitions, support services, reform, welcoming, best practice, youth policy, health policy, standard based reform, restructuring, strategies, school support, support, schools, learning support, learning, school, reform,

Access at:   http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/publications/04 restructuring education support services and integrating community.pdf (For Personal Use Only)